Swatching and Pattern Math for Knitters

By Jules Makes It (other events)

Saturday, February 29 2020 1:30 PM 4:30 PM EDT

The key to knitting a garment that fits is to knit a swatch AND to measure it properly. In this workshop we will learn how to accurately measure stitch and row gauge on swatches. We’ll learn what happens when we’re off by just a quarter stitch per inch, then we will use our calculators to figure out how to solve the problem. If you’ve ever been disappointed by the fit of a finished sweater, or wished for knitting needles halfway between two sizes, then this class is for you!

Supply List

  • Homework swatch (instructions will be emailed)
  • Pencil with eraser
  • Calculator (the one on your phone works just fine!)
  • Ruler, tape measure, or that fancy gauge measuring tool you bought that one time. Basically, you just need something that has inches and centimeters on it
  • Two locking stitch markers or safety pins

Knitting Techniques is a series of Saturday afternoon workshops featuring intermediate and advanced knitting skills. Each three hour class will offer an in-depth exploration of a single technique. Students will watch demonstrations, receive hands-on support, and knit small swatches to practice each skill.